Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sad Farewell....

All right, those who really know my sports interests know that I have two passions; the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Chicago Cubs. I've learned one thing from watching the latter; I can't really rely on them too much. I, like millions of other Cubbies out there, have learned great lessons in patience and the agony of defeat over the years. Yesterday, while watching my beloved Cubs lose to the Los Angeles Dodgers in a "sweep", all I could think of was my grandfather. He was also a Cubs fan; having never seen them win a World Series. They came close; boy did they come close in his lifetime, but they never climbed to the top of the mountain. Watching the final score flash across my television last night; 3-1, I told Katie, "I'm going to never see this team win the World Series." This was our year. Oh well, maybe next year.

To think...I'm subjecting my little boy to the same let-downs......

(We'll be back, I hope)


Ann said...

I feel your pain on this one, my friend. I have been a Cubs fan since my college days in the early eighties, and they can get close, but that pennant just always waves out of reach.

I remember in 2003 after they beat the Braves in the NLDS, there were a lot of writers talking about how Cub fans enjoy the romance of always being "lovable losers" and that facing our first Series in almost 100 years, we wouldn't know what to do if the Cubs actually won. They assumed we would blow past the Marlins in the NLCS. And then, I don't think there was a single Cub fan except Dusty Baker that did not know (in looking at Mark Prior's face) that our season was done in that fateful fourth game against the Marlins. But that one wasn't close to as hard as this one: 2003 was such a surprise season, but 2008 was a team built to go all the way...

So why do we pass this misery onto our children? I guess because we are teaching loyalty, and maybe even faith.

So, wait 'til next year!

Ann from Chicagoland (and still a Cub fan)

Anonymous said...

Jay Jay, BoSox all the way baby! love ya man, but boo Cubs. say hi to Kay Kay and Aaron. oh yeah, go Boston!