Sunday, November 2, 2008

Four more weeks of 30's

All right, we had an incredible worship this morning (although that Mr. Tyler guy got in the way up there on stage), and then someone had to remind me of the near conclusion of my 30's. Yes, they are almost over. In four weeks (November 30th), I will welcome in a whole new 10 years of wonder, aging, and yearning for the younger years. So, to honor the near end to my 30's and the preparation of my 40's, I thought I'd take a minute to celebrate them.

Katie and I never got to experience our first two children outside of her womb. I believe He knew exactly what He was doing, although the pain was great. In the last ten years though, He gave me Aaron and Grace. To be a parent is indescribable. I can't explain the love I have for all five of my children, even if I never met three of them. Aaron continues to inspire me everyday with his curiosity. I pray that He lets Aaron grow old. He will impact His kingdom in so many ways, and it's such a humble blessing to be his father. Gracie had me wrapped around her finger even before she arrived. Her beautiful determination and strength has transformed the way I view my life now. She will always be here. Her spirit in life was so big, death cannot diminish that.

In the last ten years, God's called Gracie Home. It was the worst path I've ever had to walk down in my life, but it's made me not fear death. It's made me Homesick. It's made me question so many of my beliefs, but an entire eternity is coming. I have an entire eternity to spend with Gracie. I can't wait for that.

In the last ten years, I have taken two missionary trips. I've seen God's impact throughout the world, you know, the world that goes beyond my little ol' farm. He's doing some amazing things in the farthest of places.

In the last ten years, I would like to believe that I have made an impact on hundreds of students that have walked into my classroom. I might not directly see the results, but I hope that someone out there right now is saying, "ah, I learned that in Mr. Tyler's 10th grade U.S. History class."

In the last ten years, I've watched Katie's beauty grow everyday. She has never ceased to amaze me. The way she has treated our children, the way she has treated OTHER people's children in her Kindergarten classes, and the way she worships our King; I know He has to be planning on giving her some amazing wings! He should give her those just for putting up with me all these years.

So, my last ten years are not unlike millions of other peoples' last ten years. There's been pain, suffering, sadness, hope, laughter, happiness, but there has always been God. He's the One I really should be thanking for giving me these last ten years. He's the One who will give me the next ten (perhaps). As for the next ten years, I'm looking forward to a hopeful adoption, Aaron's continuous milestones, and several more wonderful years with my wife. We'll see...

1 comment:

Dawn said...

What a nice post! Last week, I, too, launched into the 40s decade. Although it sounds old to say "40" it wasn't a hard transition. So, I say "Come on in; the water's fine!"