Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Why I Love My Teaching Environment..

I could never see this situation happening in a public school classroom, unfortunately. During each of my classes today, we talked about last night's election. The kids asked questions, voiced opinions (which I welcomed, without voicing my own). However, it's what happened in two of my classes today that made me praise God for the wisdom of some of these young people. In each of those two classes, I had a student that asked if we could pray for the leadership of this country and for President Obama as we move forward. This is the beauty of these kids. I know that there won't be any parent telephone calls coming my way. I know that minds won't be angered because of this act. It wasn't an opinionated prayer filled with the sad bickering that many Americans feel toward "the other party." These kids get it, at least most of them hopefully do. It's not about who is in the Oval Office; it's about who is on the Throne.


Ann said...

I love your school stories! Your students are blessed to have you. It IS a wonderful thing to be able to send your children to a school where prayer is not only allowed but encouraged. My husband and I are so blessed to be able to send our children to school with a Christmas (versus Holiday) Program and an Easter (not a spring) break. We don't get a vacation every year, but tuition is a small price to pay for the gift of a Christian education! God bless.

Ann from Chicagoland

p.s. as a going-on-45-year-old, I can honestly tell you young 'uns that the 40s are even better than the 30s! More body aches, gray hair, but so much more contentment, quiet joy and confidence in relationships (earthly and heavenly). I wouldn't go backwards if I could!

Dawn said...

I also love your school stories. I had the privilege of teaching in a Christian school for 6 years and I treasured the experience! For now I know that God has called me to be Christian in the public school system. I pray that my students see in me a model of the Christian life, whether or not they recognize that for what it is now. I pray that the witness of my life is one that will draw them to the Lord. But, I do miss the moments such as you just described. Thank you for guiding the next generation to remember that our country has a president, but Heaven has our King. I am praying for you as a teacher, husband, and father.

Anonymous said...

Love this picture you have just painted. I hope these children never feel they are being deprived from being in the public schools....they are learning so much more in these settings.

I know it's your wonderful example and teaching ability that they could feel like they could ask such a thing in the first place.

Keep pressing on and thank you for making a difference in these young lives.

I hope you have been following along on the trip to China that our youth minister is on right now. She's taking some beautiful pictures. I also hope you have been on the Rumor Queen site this week and can get a feeling of not only the frustration of the long wait, but also the joy of finally seeing your childs face for the first time. To put this wait in perspective, we could go through a couple more Presidential elections before you ever get to see your childs face at the pace it's going! I hope things change soon for those whose hearts are set on a child from China.

God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Just one more Blog that you might like to read. It's a lady who runs a Foster home in China called Throwing Starfish.....It's so amazing to read what this lady does for special needs children. Her Aug. 12, '08 blog tells how she got started. There are so many children with Spina Bifida, cleft pallets and club feet in that country who are placed in orphanages with little hope of ever getting out....until people like her, and now the Maria's Big House of Hope to help them (her May 18, '08 blog has a picture of her and SCC). I feel so small compared to people like this....

Many of her blogs are ones she shares from families who send her updates of the children they have gotten from her home. It's so special. Enjoy....