Sunday, January 11, 2009


I was given the incredible opportunity to baptize a young man in our church this morning. He teaches three doors down from me. He was always skeptic of "that religious stuff" as he called it, but I kept working and praying for him to see the Lord one day. Back in late July, I convinced him to come to church. He has come every Sunday since, and today, he announced his public confession of faith in Jesus Christ through the act of baptism. It was an honor to do that this morning!

My brother in Nashville said there was another special baptism this morning too in his church that surely made Heaven ring out today! Praise the Lord for His goodness and love for us. It was apparently baptism Sunday for several churches today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing more rewarding than that!! Praise the Lord for both baptisms.

We never know who God is putting in our paths to reach the lost. He evidently knew you would do your part. Thank you for being the servant that you have become, not only in your home, but also to your church family and your students. May God continue to bless the special gifts that you possess.