Monday, April 6, 2009

Reasons Why I Love Teaching

I had to share this today, as it's a free time right now, and I'm able to get away. Also, I'd like to add that this ties into a project the kids are working on right now. Their assignment; list of reasons why WWII was different from WWI. They had the weekend to work on their list. It wasn't for a grade. It was just for discussion points for today. As I'm reading these reasons they gave me, I came up with my own list of reasons.

"Reasons Why I Love Teaching"

"WWII is different from WWI because one was fought later than the other."
"WWI is different because it has only one I, and WWII has two of them."
"WWII had Hitler. WWI had Ho Chi Minh." (yes, this was an actual reason)
"WWII was fought overseas. WWI wasn't."
"WWI gave Americans things like rubber. WWII gave us war bonds." (Hmm..)
"Pearl Harbor caused the Americans to enter WWII. I don't know why we got in WWI, sorry."

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Class of 2011. :) Truthfully, these kids are amazing, and I have faith they will change this world for the better. But, not so great on the history thing right now. We're working on it. One day, the lightbulb is going to shine brightly, and that's why I continue to stand up there and teach; even after seeing the above responses. I just had to share this today. Some of these made me chuckle.


Shoegirl said...

Too funny.....but the sad fact is, being a woman, I probably couldn't give any better answers! History was never my thing, but I know a good teacher can make it come alive to it's students. I hope your kids know more today than they did on Friday.

Congrats on sending in the dossier! One step closer to the miracle of adoption.

Dawn said...

JB, I am posting so many days past your post that I don't even know if you'll see this.

Your post made me smile! I have been having similar thoughts recently. I was reflecting on my students--especially the goofy ones--wondering if they would ever "get it together." Then the Lord brought to mind 3 former schoolmates: goofy boys that used to drive the school staff to distraction. One is now a school superintendent, one is a naturopath, and one is a professor at a Christian college; all are dynamic men of God. I look at my students this week wondering which ones will become those dynamic leaders.

Our future is in good hands.

Have a blessed Easter!