Friday, May 1, 2009


Ah, it's prom time again. It's one of the greatest things for a high school kid to experience. It is my job to make sure they don't experiece too much. Yes, I've been wrangled once again into chaperone duties. Last year, I brought Kate along, and we requested "I Think We're Alone Now" by Tiffany for old time's sake. That one brought some attention. I have been scouring around for a prom picture from when I went in 1988, but I don't have one at the house. I'm sure my mother might have one available. I will have to dig it up. I don't know how I went from the "cool jock" to the "old man" who hounds over the kids if they get too close during their dancing, but that's just life I guess. God bless.

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