Friday, May 15, 2009

No More Fountain

Gracie collected pennies. She had hundreds of them. They were her four-leaf clovers. She'd find them everywhere, and they always seemed to be "heads-up" for her. My classroom overlooks a fountain that has been there for about the last four or five years. Every school day, from the time we learned Gracie had cancer, to yesterday morning, I've thrown a penny in the fountain and made a wish before going into the building. This morning, I watched a crew remove the fountain. It's like seeing off an old friend who you know you won't see again. The fountain was broken, not working for a couple weeks now, and they decided to remove it. They obviously didn't consult me on the matter, because I would have told them that the fountain meant something personal to me and should just remain broken. I guess other people had their reasons for its removal, but I'm going to have to find another place to toss my wishes into now.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I am sorry for this new loss. It is amazing how attached we become to objects because of the associations we make with them.

I found out last week that I will be assigned to a different school next year. Due to extreme budget cuts, we are losing 20% of our teaching staff. I am fortunate that I will still have a job, but am mourning the loss of the students and staff I have come to love over the last 9 years. God must think it is time to use me elsewhere, but I have attachments that will hurt to remove. As you know teaching is personal and each student is special.

Praying for you as you say good-bye to your current students, your fountain, and the chapter of this school year.