Friday, July 24, 2009

Home. Tired. Romania was incredible, but America is home. This is a wonderful country to come back to, even if its citizens disagree on some things. It's easy to find fault or failure until you live in another country for a few weeks. We have been incredibly blessed as Americans.

The next task is getting my room prepared for the upcoming school year. They actually moved me this year to a room down the hallway, so I had to pack everything when I left for the summer. That all starts the first week of August. I'm going to try to readjust my body after the seven-hour time difference for a month.

Kate's going to be back teaching Kindergarten this year. She missed it so much after taking leave for her surgery last Spring. So, another classroom to set up in a couple weeks.

Aaron's actually looking forward to school. He'll be in 3rd grade this year. It moves quick. He's excited to show his friends how his summer went, and perhaps that's part of the excitement for school to start.

So, life continues again on this side of the "pond". School starts in about a month, filling my days with "the Civil War happened in 1945 between Mexico and America" again!


Joel said...

Did you kiss the ground???

Ann said...

Welcome home! Glad for safe travels. Ann from Chicagoland