Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I heard a "?"

I was atop a ladder retrieving a tennis ball that had been thrown on the roof by the powerful right hand of my son. I began to climb down, when I lost footing and stepped on the ground sideways with my right foot. I don't exactly know the spelling of the sound I heard, but it wasn't a good noise. I fell to the ground and looked at my foot. It was already beginning to swell and turn color. I sat there for a moment on the ground before deciding on my next move. I decided to try to call for Kate. After a couple really loud shouts, she opened the front door and came looking for me. Her face drained as soon as she looked at me. Aaron came outside. His eyes opened wide, and he began to ask 100 questions in 20 seconds. With Kate's help, I was able to stand up; grabbing the railings on the front porch. I called the school to find a substitute, and I did what was probably the most idiotic thing I could have done. I convinced Kate that I could drive myself to the hospital. There was no immediate need for Kate to be delayed from school or for Aaron to miss the morning or day, so I pleaded with her to just let me drive myself. Well, I did; left-footed on the pedals. Now, with a horrible, throbbing pain to keep you company, you sort of become a difficult driver on the road. Winding country roads that are full of scenery this time of year just become your worst enemies. Looking back, I should have had someone drive me.

Long morning later, I have this wonderful cast leading up to my knee now. I'll have it for 4-6 weeks. The last time I was on crutches was college, so it's a bit of an adjustment again. However, I won the "cool story" award from some of Aaron's friends yesterday afternoon, so I suppose my injury has some worth in it.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your injury. You and the Chapman's certainly have alot in common, don't you?? Makes you wonder if the Devil is picking on you guy's or if God is building some more character...or maybe it's just because your human!

Hope your feeling better soon. We'll pray for a speedy recovery.

Dawn said...

So sorry to hear about your accident & praying for a speedy recovery, as well as patience for you as it goes slower than you would like!

Toni said...

What is the DEAL with all the broken bones lately?? Have you been reading Jim & Grace's blogs over at the Chapman site?

I'm goin' to bed and I'm stayin' there! LOL!

I hope your bones heal quickly! Be sure to get some rest. I'll be prayin'...Oh...and stay off the roof (or ladders!). SCC needs us around to tell him what to do - looks like you do, too!