Monday, September 8, 2008


Yesterday was a very hard day, but somehow seeing this face puts a smile on mine. Silas has been a member of this family now for over 9 years. He was there the day Kate and I brought Aaron home from the hospital. He was there when we brought Gracie home. He was there when we came home with tear-stained faces; knowing that our daughter would soon be facing the fight of her life. Shortly after Gracie died, he began sleeping outside of her bedroom door. He was waiting for her to return. Now, a year later, he still sleeps there. I sure do hope all dogs go to Heaven...

1 comment:

Ann said...

We have a yellow lab named Lady, and she will turn 13 on October 13th, so she has been part of our family longer than two of my three children have been. She (and I!) developed arthritis in the last year or so, but she still makes the climb upstairs, and sleeps outside the room where my two youngest sleep. Aren't they great dogs? Thank you God for our canine friends!!

Ann from Chicagoland