Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Three time a day prayer

This is something I have started personally for the last couple of months. I've prayed the same prayer three times a day; morning, noon, and night. I have really seen it affect me. God's healing some old things in my life. When I was over there last week, I prayed this prayer over some of the people we met.

"Holy Father, bring me light in this land of darkness. Give me strength in moments of weakness. Cast your love around my body. Forgive my mistakes. You know exactly what I need. Take my life and use it for Your ultimate glory. Wherever you lead me, Father, I pray my feet will follow. Your plans for me have already been set. It's so easy to become distracted, Father, but don't let me become distracted from Your breath upon me. Lead me, mold me, Jesus, so that I may become more like You. This planet is broken, God, but You are whole. Thank You for Your beauty, Father. In Your Holy Name, I pray..Amen."

I'm normally in tears by the end of it, but I have to share a story that touched my heart. On our first night there, I prayed that with a family. Mom, Dad, two daughters, three sons. Instead of personal pronouns, I used plural. At the end, I opened my eyes and looked up. There, smiling at me, was one of the daughters. She reached out and hugged me tightly around the neck. Didn't speak English, but God moved her through the simple act of someone praying over her. It was such a blessing for me to see, and it set a wonderful tone for the rest of the week.

1 comment:

Shoegirl said...

How touching that scene must have been. Those people don't ask for riches I'm told....they just want to know that someone cares. Thank you for showing them Jesus in skin.