Monday, March 2, 2009

A Message of Eternal Hope

I passed a church sign today that read, "Remember, I am always here when you need to talk. Love, God." I've really been talking to God lately.

There have been a couple issues weighing on my heart and mind the past couple of days. One is eternity. The other is hope. Tomorrow morning, in Nashville, Tennessee; a man is being celebrated. His life is being remembered. I didn't know David Lipscomb personally, but my brother did. Hundreds of others did as well, and his good works for His Kingdom are just parts of David's legacy down here. He left behind a wife and two sons; who are likely now just counting down their own days until they see him again. Talking with my brother about this over the weekend, I thought about my own life. I am so ready for eternity to start. I'm ready to leave this world of sin for that world of peace. Please don't get me wrong, I will live every day down here that He gives me in purpose of rescuing the lost for His gain, but I can't wait for that day to come where I will see Jesus, and I will see Gracie. My father is still alive. I can't understand the impact losing a father will have on David Lipscomb's two sons at their ages. Having watched my little girl enter His presence in 2007, however, I can empathize with that pain. I know how difficult it is try to find some hope in that pit of darkness. However, there is hope. There's hope for a bright tomorrow; a day that finds us passing through to that Mansion. There's a reason we're here when we're here. As I've told my students in the past, there's a purpose for me being born in 1968 rather than 1668. God has my life set in its time frame for a specific purpose. It's my hope that I will one day be able to stand up in His presence and say, "this is what I have done for Your Name." Being broken is painful. However, broken days are a sign that we still live down here on this Earth. One day, I won't be broken anymore.


Ann said...

Just stopped by to say hello and that I am praying for you and your family. How is Katie's quilt? How is your dad? Be strong in the Lord, friend. When I hear someone talk about being broken, as you did here, I think of the 8-foot cross on the gym wall at the school I work for. It is covered in pieces of broken glass; each piece is decorated by and represents one family in our parish, but the mosaic that is created when all of the broken pieces are glued together forms this most magnificent whole and complete cross. Peace to you and yours.
Ann from Chicagoland
p.s. I loved the picture of the hot air balloon you posted: the Chapmans would call it a "breadcrumb"!

Anonymous said...

I have had the same feelings as you have expressed here myself lately. The last of my dad's family was laid to rest last week, and while I was saddened by the fact that they were all gone, I really was rejoicing inside thinking about the reunion of them being together once again as a family - 5 boys and their parents.

The sights and sounds we have to tolerate these days are very disturbing to me and I am continually reminding myself that each day is a day the Lord has made and I need to rejoice in it.....but it's hard not to envy those in heaven who don't have to tolerate these things anymore....which makes giving up a loved one a little easier.

Still praying for you as you miss your little angel.