Thursday, January 29, 2009

Miss Piggy's Departure

There was no way we could glue the pieces back together. We tried with the more intact pieces, but some were so little, it would have been too detailed to try to fix. So, Miss Piggy made her departure today into the garbage. Thank you, Miss Piggy, for holding every single penny of luck Gracie got over those horrible two years of pain and sadness. The excitement she showed on her face upon hearing that little "clink" sound of the coins when they hit the bottom was something I'll always remember.

"It's all broken"

Last night, while moving some of Gracie's things, Kate knocked Gracie's piggy bank on the floor. Truth be told, it was my fault for leaving it available to be dropped. I was looking at it, put it on a small table, and left it likely too close to the edge. Kate was moving a box across the room, hit the bank, and it fell to the floor in a crash. Broken pieces everywhere, I ran upstairs to find out what caused the noise. Kate looked at me and said, "it's all broken." That was it, nothing else. Her face said it all. And honestly, it is broken. I don't know if we can glue it back together or not. Again, I'm trying to tell myself "J.B., this is all material. It won't last. You can't take this bank up to Heaven when you go." But, I will say that seeing the tiny pieces scattered along the floor made me sad. Kate feels even worse. That's just a small prayer request today..

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Material Possessions

After a long discussion with our pastor, some family members, each other, and most importantly; God, Katie and I have decided to begin the process of clearing some of Gracie's material possessions. That's what they are; material possessions. When I look at her stuffed animals, I can see her expression holding one of them. But, that animal just triggers the memory; it's not the memory. I hold those memories in my mind. I've tried to tell myself that this past week. I knew the day was coming. Everyone told us to wait at least a year to remove her belongings. Well, it's been 16 months. It's been well over a year, and it's still difficult. I personally wouldn't put a timeline on such a thing, but we listened and followed what they told us. Now, we're in the middle of deciding what to keep forever and what should be taken to charity. The thought of some other child taking pleasure in what Gracie loved on this Earth makes me smile. It's her being passed on down here, and I love that idea. Some things we are just keeping. Her piggy bank, some of her clothes, her favorite stuffed animal. Other items, we are going to take to the children's hospital that took such good care of Gracie, as well as some other charities around our area. Katie and I thought that if we were ever fortunate to adopt a little girl, we would have Gracie's items for the little girl to use. After praying about it, we decided that all of her things are material. Love given away is the best form of love in this case. Perhaps one day, I'll see a little girl holding the hand of the Mickey Mouse that we bought Gracie in Disney the first time we went down there with both of them. I'll look at that stuffed mouse and smile, letting it bring back a memory, and knowing that it's creating a new one with someone else. If you've wondered my absence over the past few days, this is it. It's not easy to say goodbye to four years of collected life, but I think it's the right time to do it. God bless.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Weather wonder and Presidential prayers

Apparantly I didn't need to head to Colorado to snow ski. I could have just stayed in North Carolina; as the state was given a nice heaping of snow (granted, in North Carolina, any snow south of the mountains is a nice heaping of snow). On the other hand, Colorado Springs is going to be in the middle 60's tomorrow, sunny, and a feeling of Spring in the air. I told one of the men that came out here with me, "I'm glad I skiied on Sunday; it might be melted tomorrow."

Prayers for the nation today as we move forward together, with the help of President Obama. I was not able to watch the oath live today, but I said a prayer for him at noon EST (10:00 a.m. out here). I have since viewed it, and that scene was incredible. I pray for his heart and his leadership. I pray we can stand beside President Obama; despite our differences in certain values. He's created in God's image, and God loves him very much. He will work for good for those who trust in His Name!

Friday, January 16, 2009

"Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane"

I'm going to Colorado Springs, CO, leaving tomorrow, for a Christian Education Conference next week. Yes, there might also have to be a little snow skiing involved. The last time I went skiing in Colorado, Bill Clinton was in his first term; if that tells you how long it's been. I'm looking forward to the conference, but I'm not looking forward to being away from Kate and Aaron.

This morning, I sat there thinking to myself, 'when I'm in Colorado, I won't be able to protect Katie and Aaron for those few days.' Then, my next thought was, 'I really can't protect them anyways.' I can give them Earthly protection when they're in my presence, but I ultimately have no control over their ultimate protection. That was the "human" side coming out this morning. So, Lord, please protect my wife and son while I'm away because it's You that has that power; not me.

I'll be leaving on a jet plane tomorrow afternoon.

Adoption News:

Things are looking really good! Fingers crossed, prayers ringing out, hope being given! God bless!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


I was given the incredible opportunity to baptize a young man in our church this morning. He teaches three doors down from me. He was always skeptic of "that religious stuff" as he called it, but I kept working and praying for him to see the Lord one day. Back in late July, I convinced him to come to church. He has come every Sunday since, and today, he announced his public confession of faith in Jesus Christ through the act of baptism. It was an honor to do that this morning!

My brother in Nashville said there was another special baptism this morning too in his church that surely made Heaven ring out today! Praise the Lord for His goodness and love for us. It was apparently baptism Sunday for several churches today.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Can I get a record deal?

I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon for Nashville, TN. Pray for my students; they're going to endure a substitute teacher for Thursday and Friday. We're going on behalf of our church for a series of meetings. Pray for the three of us who are going on this trip! Thank you.

I teased Katie that while I was there, I might try my hand at finding someone who will set me up with a record contract; thus the title line. God bless...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Look what's around the corner...

Last night, I sat there with my wife and son, watching the ball drop to the ground in Times Square. In that final countdown of 10, 9, 8....; I found myself trying to remember all that had taken place in 2008. When the beautiful ball lit up, I kissed Kate, hugged and kissed Aaron, called my parents and in-laws, and then tried to think of all the things that God will have in store for 2009. I believe that God already knows what is in store for me in this new year. I know that there will be bad days and good days; because that's life. He never promised you roses down here; He just promised you an eternity with Him up there. So, here's what I hope is around the corner for 2009; Lord willing.

We will be approved for adoption and hopefully be able to begin the process of bringing home a child in need of a family.

Katie will turn 40!

My father will turn 70.

My in-laws will celebrate 50 years.

I will go on another mission trip to Africa.

Kate, Aaron, and I are going to Europe this summer.

I don't know what 2009 has in store, but I know who's in control over it.