Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Matthew 6:25-34

It's easy to get caught up in worry until you realize that He's got everything under control.

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, "What shall we eat" or "What shall we drink?" or "What shall we wear?" For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavely Father knows that you need them. But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Confusion surrounds

Dad's back in the hospital again. He fell down the stairs (which I think is his third time now, at least that's been reported). He busted up both his knees pretty bad in the fall. I wish they'd just find something in their tests. He's been having fainting spells for months with no given reason why he's having them.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Golf, birthdays, baseball, softball, what more does a man need?

I teed off at 7:00 this morning and managed to get in 9 holes by 9:00. Of course, I was nearly the only one out on the course at that insane time. Aaron even went with me as my caddy and putt master. In a couple hours from now, eight years ago today, I was helping Katie through that last set of pushes to bring our son, Aaron, into this world. I can't believe he's already eight. Weren't we just bringing him home from the hospital, scared out of our minds and already sleep deprived? It's amazing how he's grown so quickly already. 11:00, first pitch (pitching machine pitch that is). They are playing another undefeated team today, so it should be interesting. I'll be there in the dugout with my "official" COACH shirt. 4:00 this afternoon, my own team (slow pitch softball, hold your laughter) will be in action. I'm finding that playing slow pitch softball at 40 is a lot tougher than playing high school baseball at 16. My body doesn't move like it used to when I was a bit younger. Knowing that today will be in the lower 90's doesn't help my body either. Finishing the day is a birthday party for Aaron, to which my wife somehow convinced me that we should then allow three other young boys to sleep at our house this evening. I don't know how I said yes to that, but I did. Truthfully, it wasn't really my decision. It was one of those, "a couple of Aaron's friends are spending the night. You're all right with that, right? Ok." See, my wife likes to let me think I'm the boss here, but I know better.

Thanks for your prayers. Kate fell asleep early last night, a rare sight these days. I don't know why we're just being hit hard lately, but God's God, and He knows what He's doing. God bless.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Want to go inside my mind?

That might be a scary adventure, but I've just really been thinking about a lot of different things these last few days. Katie's doing well physically, by the way, but she's emotionally a wreck until our son walks into the room. I don't think she settled down for sleep until 3:00 this morning. In Aaron's presence, she tries to hide it in. So, since I've been having so many late nights myself, I've been able to think too. Watching the re-run of the GMA Dove Awards early this morning, I sort of hit a realization that I've truthfully been going over for a long time, always wrestling with my human need to cradle my daughter down here. Then, it was like God just took me in His own arms and said look, your daughter's with the greatest Father of all time. I get caught up sometimes in the desire for Gracie to just come back here with us. But, why? Why would I want for Gracie to come back here on this polluted, broken, and stained planet? Why would I want her to live in this land of sin and pain? What I need the human side of me to think is that Gracie is in the land of perfection. I've heard the Steven Curtis Chapman (who won Artist of the Year last night) line that says, "Jesus can't come soon enough." I've always loved that line, and I've always believed it too, but now I really want that comment to happen. I want to see my Gracie. I just miss her so bad, and Mr. Chapman's right. Jesus can't come soon enough. I want to be a grandfather. I want to grow old with my wife. But, I am so ready for Heaven's Glory!

I told Kate this in the middle of some of my thoughts, doubtful that she heard me, but I had to share what I was feeling at the moment. I said that I really don't think that I can handle her or Aaron going Home to Jesus. I've said before that if Jesus doesn't come back in my lifetime, he better take me first, because I can't live without her. It sounds silly, but it's true. I would be completely lost without this amazing angel God's placed in my life. The husband/daddy in me can't take saying goodbye to another one, even if Eternity will be spent with them. I'm just not strong enough to do that. Because this world is just full of so much pain and brokenness, it can really weigh you down sometimes. I remind myself all the time that this life isn't it. It's a dress rehearsal for the beautiful wedding that will one day come, when the Bridegroom takes us in His arms and welcomes us Home. I am so excited for that day to come! As was wonderfully said last night, He can't come soon enough.

One of my students said goodbye to her father last night, after a 3-year courageous battle with cancer. I know that while we're grieving for his loss down here, Jesus is rejoicing over His amazing child up there, who's now free from pain and fear. In this world of brokenness, I'm really trying to keep Heaven in my mind. It's easy to look around and become frustrated with so much hurt here on Earth, but God's promised such a beautiful residence with Him for Eternity. God bless, and thanks for your prayers.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

God's lesson this afternoon

I was driving home from work today, when I came upon a freshly done car accident. The police weren't even on the scene yet. It involved two cars, one nice, and the other likely a little dented even before this accident. Two women (I'm going to resist saying anything about that one out of kindness and mostly fear), one older, one probably 19 or 20, and scared out of her mind. Coming upon it this afternoon, I instantly thought of Kathy Bates in Fried Green Tomatoes (which I probably just happened to catch a couple minutes of while switching from ESPN to rugby). All right, so I have seen the movie; with my wife. But, I didn't cry; at first. Anyways, I stopped to provide anything I could, which turned out to be nothing more than just a quick prayer for the two of them in my head, but I left knowing that God placed me in that situation for a reason. What was the reason you may ask? If I didn't stop for them, I might not have been able to stop when this kid sped his bicycle into the street without ever taking a look either way. I have no idea if anything would have happened, but I do believe that God chose for me at that moment to stop for those two women.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tonight's concert

All right all you choir singers; I'm attending the Spring concert tonight for the first time ever. I have a few students that I promised I'd watch their solos, and somehow I roped myself into going after that one. Honestly, I love singers. I think the gift that God gave them of singing is great. But, I can't sing. Therefore, it takes a lot of attention for me to sit there for a couple hours and listen to straight singing, no instruments for the most part; just singing. But, because I'm a great teacher (students who've ever had me, nod your heads at this point), I will "gut this one out". I'll sit on the aisle, just in case. One of my students today actually made me really think about my behavior about going tonight. She said, "Mr. Tyler, Heaven is a whole bunch of choirs and singing." I said, "yes, I believe that's true, but hopefully God will let me play guitar." I know that angels have perfect pitch, but I think even Jesus knows when He created someone who can't sing a lick. That someone, that would be me. God bless!

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Resurrection Body from 1 Corinthians

Oh, these passages have lifted my spirit today. Tough day for some reason.

"What is sown is perishable; what is raised is imperishable. 43 It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power. 44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. 45 Thus it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being”; [5] the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. 46 But it is not the spiritual that is first but the natural, and then the spiritual. 47 The first man was from the earth, a man of dust; the second man is from heaven. 48 As was the man of dust, so also are those who are of the dust, and as is the man of heaven, so also are those who are of heaven. 49 Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall [6] also bear the image of the man of heaven."

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Random ramblings

I have to admit that I'm proud of myself. I've cooked every night since last Thursday. I can't say the meals have been amazing, but they're edible. Tonight, I hand the reigns to an overly accomplished cook; my mother. Kate's doing well. She's moody, but that's expected. She's been crying herself to sleep the last couple of nights. I'm just holding her. We're doing all right. Thanks for your prayers. Aaron is now officially an orange belt. The kid's a machine. He had his third baseball game yesterday. He's a catcher. Why you ask? "They got cool nicknames." So far, their team is undefeated. He's batting something like .832, and his team's in first place. None of that really matters to me. What matters to me is that he is learning such important life lessons, friendship, loyalty, sportsmanship, all from doing something he loves. The shape of his character will make him a good man one day, not that he can hit a baseball. But, it's nice to see him have fun out there. As for me, yesterday was my first attempt at old man softball, I mean playing in a slow pitch softball league. I was 2-3, not bad. I think it's fun, but I found out something. I really am old. Sore knees and back this morning gives that away. God bless.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Aaron's card

Aaron's card that was sitting on the table this morning when Kate came home.



Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mr. Mom

I commend the Mr. Mom out there, because it's more difficult than I thought. I'm only tending to one child, and there's about to be a coup d'état if I'm not careful! Katie's being released tomorrow morning, and that's when the real "work" begins. We stopped by after school, and she told me she might just stay a few more days. I have been reading about how to care for your wife after a hysterectomy. I'm actually doing my homework on this one. Kate loves the fact that I will likely take over house cleaning and cooking for awhile. Personally, I don't mind it. My mother had us washing our clothes and cleaning the house by the time we were in middle school. So, while Aaron takes advantage of me, I'll just quietly write down all the injustices. One day, he'll be a daddy, and I'll have quite a list of ways for his children to irritate him. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts. God bless.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Katie's surgery

Everything went well this morning. I spent the entire time reading the Word and trying to make sense of all of this. I'm still trying, but God knows what He's doing, and I wasn't Him the last time I checked. I'm back home tonight with Aaron. Kate told me to go home, and I wasn't going to argue with her at that moment, so I'm here. She'll be in until Thursday. Thank you for your prayers, keep them coming if you don't mind, because this is just the beginning of a long recovery process! God bless.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Because He Lives

That music guy today picked a few of the old hymns to sing in church this morning. I have to thank that music guy for making that decision. ;) While I sat silently singing those songs in my head today (still am speechless, with 2 and a half hours to go, God has made me quite a listener today), one of them really captured my attention.

"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know..He holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because He lives."

I listened to those lyrics and then thought, literally, because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Kate's surgery is tomorrow morning. Easter Monday is always a day off for the students, and we're just having meetings, so they'll have to press on with those meetings without me there. I'll be at the hospital with my beautiful bride, who will still be stunning to me even after this surgery. It's all in God's powerful hands. I'm praying already that He gives me the patience I'll need tomorrow. I'm praying He gives Kate the strength that I know she has so much of already. Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, and all comes with it. God bless. I pray you had a wonderful Easter.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Fun

It hasn't really been a fun Saturday, but I'm still holding on to the blessings. This is Gracie's second Easter in Heaven. We still have the Easter dress my mother sewed for her to wear last year; hoping that she would make it to the holiday. Unfortunately, Gracie never wore the dress; having been taken Home that previous September. So, I'm just sort of remembering the fun times we've had on Easter as a family. There just seems to be so much going on right now that it's hard finding time to just stop and think. But, we are blessed, and we are thankful. It's Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday that can help me face days like this upcoming Monday. It's those days that have helped me say goodbye (for a little while) to my little girl down here. It's those days that have helped me survive my parent's divorce, the pain my wife and I felt through three miscarriages, the confusion of seeing people I love fall short of His glory, and all that will one day take place in my future. It's because of His sacrifice. That's the reason I know where I'm going, and that's the reason I know that my daughter is safe and loved. My love for Jesus is too intimate for words. My relationship with Him grows everyday. I'm just so humbled that He created this universe and still numbered the hairs on my head. It's just so beautiful. I pray you have a wonderful Easter this year. In the middle of the egg hunts and chocolate bunnies, I pray that you just hear Him speak your name this weekend. I am taking up a challenge presented to me by a former student; who is now a member of our church. This Easter, I'm going to remain speechless. He said I couldn't do it. I know I can. I'm just going to listen this holiday. I'm going to listen to what He wants me to hear. God bless, and have a wonderful Easter.

Friday, April 10, 2009

It's only Friday, but Sunday's coming!

I know you guys have heard and seen this piece. I actually played this piece for my students yesterday. It's the beauty of teaching in a Christian setting.

"It's Friday. Jesus is praying. Peter's a sleeping. Judas is betraying.
But Sunday's comin'.

It's Friday. Pilate's struggling. The council is conspiring. The crowd is vilifying. They don't even know that Sunday's comin'.

It's Friday. The disciples are running like sheep without a shepherd.
Mary's crying. Peter is denying. But they don't know that Sunday's a comin'.

It's Friday. The Romans beat my Jesus. They robe Him in scarlet. They crown Him with thorns. But they don't know that Sunday's comin'.

It's Friday. See Jesus walking to Calvary. His blood dripping. His body stumbling. And his spirit's burdened. But you see, it's only Friday.
Sunday's comin'.

It's Friday. The world's winning. People are sinning. And evil's grinning.

It's Friday. The soldiers nail my Savior's hands to the cross. They nail my Savior's feet to the cross. And then they raise him up next to criminals.

It's Friday. But let me tell you something: Sunday's comin'.

It's Friday. The disciples are questioning. What has happened to their King. And the Pharisees are celebrating that their scheming has been achieved. But they don't know: It's only Friday. Sunday's comin'.

It's Friday. He's hanging on the cross feeling forsaken by His Father.
Left alone and dying. Can nobody save Him? Oooh, it's Friday. But Sunday's comin'.

It's Friday. The earth trembles. The sky grows dark. My King yields his spirit.

It's Friday. Hope is lost. Death has won. Sin has conquered. And Satan's just a laughing.

It's Friday. Jesus is buried. A soldier stands guard. And a rock is rolled into place.

But it's Friday. It is only Friday.

Sunday is a comin'."

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Good Friday

On the way to dinner this evening, Aaron asked me why it's really called Good Friday. After all, "Jesus died on Friday, Dad." I said He did die on Friday, but He rose on Sunday, which makes Friday very good for us. The fact that Jesus went to the cross for our sins and then was resurrected is full of goodness for those who believe. He said, "yea, but why is it just good then? It should be Awesome Friday or like Super Incredible Amazing Awesome Friday, not just good. Good's not good enough for what God did." I kind of thought about that through dinner, and I agree. Good is not a strong enough word for how amazing God's sacrifice was for us. It was great. It was amazing. It was magnificent. It was super incredible amazing awesome.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I'm having the kids watch a movie about WWII. My mind's kind of not here today; thus the movie. Tomorrow is Katie's last day of school this year. Just keep her in prayer. Monday morning is going to be very difficult. I don't think either of us really know what to expect, although her doctor has been incredible in providing us with as much information as needed. For those who don't know, Katie is having a hysterectomy. She's only 39. We're giving everything to God in hopes of Him working everything out for good. Kate's nervous and scared. I'm more or less confused by the whole procedure. It's going to be a lengthy recovery process. We've been praying that she wouldn't have to have the surgery, but she does, and so I just pray you keep her in prayers, if you don't mind. Thanks.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

UNC's affects on my students

It sounds bad for a teacher to say he/she got nothing out of their students today, but today was a day that tested that argument. Last night, UNC played Michigan State in the championship game of the NCAA men's basketball tournament. Nearly all the boys in my 10th grade classes love college basketball. I'd say the majority of them are North Carolina fans; with Duke coming a close second. Some of the girls are also fans, but not as many as the boys. Coincidentally, in class participation today, girls outnumbered the boys probably 3:1. Most of the Duke kids watched the game just to see if Michigan State would upset North Carolina. The North Carolina fans, well, you can only imagine what times they went to bed this morning. It made for a long day today. But, North Carolina won, and being a fan myself, it was very entertaining to watch. I even woke Aaron up for the final four minutes, with an agreement that he would go right back to sleep after the game if I took him to the parade.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Opening Day!

It's baseball's opening day, and that only means one thing..

In six months, the Cubbies are going to break my heart.

Yet, as a loyal fan, they continue to bring me back; year after year. I have to admit, in recent years, I've saved the paper bags to put over my head until October. It's nice for a change. I remember they used to give up in mid-July. Sure, I could be a Yankees fan, and there's nothing wrong with that at all. However, if I were a Yankees fan, where would my life lessons on patience come from? Where would I have learned how to be so excited about something, only to see it snatched from beneath my feet? No, not as a Yankees fan. That can only come with the Spring anticipation of a great Cubbies year, only to watch it crumble in the last few weeks. You can keep your Yankees. I'll stick with the dream dashers; I mean the Cubs. Play ball!

Reasons Why I Love Teaching

I had to share this today, as it's a free time right now, and I'm able to get away. Also, I'd like to add that this ties into a project the kids are working on right now. Their assignment; list of reasons why WWII was different from WWI. They had the weekend to work on their list. It wasn't for a grade. It was just for discussion points for today. As I'm reading these reasons they gave me, I came up with my own list of reasons.

"Reasons Why I Love Teaching"

"WWII is different from WWI because one was fought later than the other."
"WWI is different because it has only one I, and WWII has two of them."
"WWII had Hitler. WWI had Ho Chi Minh." (yes, this was an actual reason)
"WWII was fought overseas. WWI wasn't."
"WWI gave Americans things like rubber. WWII gave us war bonds." (Hmm..)
"Pearl Harbor caused the Americans to enter WWII. I don't know why we got in WWI, sorry."

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Class of 2011. :) Truthfully, these kids are amazing, and I have faith they will change this world for the better. But, not so great on the history thing right now. We're working on it. One day, the lightbulb is going to shine brightly, and that's why I continue to stand up there and teach; even after seeing the above responses. I just had to share this today. Some of these made me chuckle.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Midnight Cowboy

Ok, not THE midnight cowboy..

I got the "you let him stay up, you get him to bed" discussion from my wife tonight. I let Aaron stay up to watch the Villanova/UNC game (which UNC won, making both of us very happy). However, there's a problem. I can't get Aaron to sleep. Katie is ignoring me, and I know she's not asleep. She's silently laughing because she knows. I don't know how mothers know, but they know. Aaron is wide awake, and I am left here wishing I would have just told him the final score when he woke up in the morning.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Final Four

I can't much think of a better team personally. ;) God doesn't care who wins a college basketball game, but I'm still praying for a title brought back to North Carolina Monday night. Aaron and I are mesmorized at this point. Katie This and the Superbowl are her favorite days!

Friday, April 3, 2009


sent to China! :) 5 1/2 months..

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Uncle Larry

My uncle Larry passed away late morning today. I always wanted to know him, but he never really let us have an opportunity. In the past five years, I'd say I've talked with him on a handful of occasions. Was he a genuine Christian? I pray he was. In typical Larry fashion, he told his wife that he didn't want a service. If there were, they'd be in Texas. He was 66; the baby of the family. When Mom called, she said he was feeling "off" last night, and he had a massive heart attack sometime during the night. I pray he's up with Jesus, but I just don't know. So, to honor him today, a memory..

The only real memories I have of him are faint. He moved to Dallas when I was six, and we rarely spoke to him after that point. However, he did come home for his father's funeral (my grandfather). He stayed at my father's house. While I was there one evening, Uncle Larry told me to run and "fetch" my guitar. He asked me if I had ever learned how to play "Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash. I told him I never had, and so he proceeded to sit with me for a couple hours that night and teach me. Now, this particular song is not exactly worship material, but I always know who taught me that song on guitar.

I will share another memory that involves Aaron. One time, a couple years back now, Larry was visiting my Uncle Walt and Aunt Dottie. We ate dinner with them one night, and he played basketball with Aaron the rest of that evening. I wish I would have seen that side more often.