Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Rising Hope

One of the smaller books I read through during my "media sabbatical" was Charles Swindoll's "The Rising Hope". God knew the perfect timing for this book to land in my hands. I've been struggling with that around the holidays. Here's an excerpt:

"Christ is the cornerstone, and His children are living stones that make up the building. Each time someone trusts Christ as Savior, another stone is quarried out of the pit of sin and fitted into the spiritual house He's building through the work of the Holy Spirit. And carefully overseeing the construction is Christ, who is the hands-on contractor of this eternal edifice. Each of us is His living stone. God is the Master Architect, and every stone is being placed exactly where He designed it to fit. Furthermore, as any experienced stone mason will confirm, there are no unimportant stones. Because you have been chosen to become a part of His house, you can be certain God finds you immensely valuable. Never forget that, even on those blue days. We are living stones in a spiritual house."

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