Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Has anyone been watching the Olympics? Aaron and I have officially become winter Olympic experts. Watching all those athletes perform, I'm further convinced I wouldn't last a minute out there. The cross country skiiers impress me the most. When you finish a race and then collapse afterwards from sheer exhaustion, that's incredible.


Dawn said...

Hoping all is ok for you & your family. Know that you are still in my prayers.

Sherrie said...

Thinking of all of you as Grace's anniversary approaches tomorrow. Praying that you, Kate and Aaron are doing well and continuing to heal.
Hoping your adoption process is progressing and the little one who is waiting for love to take them in will be in your home and in your arms soon.
I hope you know that there are those of us who pray for you regularly, even though we don't "know you" in the physical sense. The three (four) of you are a part of the family of God and in that way, part of our family, too.
Blessings on you, Dear Ones.

Shoegirl said...

Where has my sweet JB gone? I've come back to computerland only to find you don't write much anymore. I, too, was thinking of you this month and praying for your family. Hope all is well with you. Would love to hear an update on your adoption process and your life.

Missing you!

Sherrie said...

Nearly another year has come & gone... you're all still in my prayers as Grace's Heavenly birthday approaches. Been reading and preparing to start a Bible study on Randy Alcorn's "Heaven." It makes it all so much more real and beautiful! I'm one of those who grew up with the "eternal rest" concept. You know... sitting on a cloud... strumming my harp. Though I admit I love the harp, I'm thrilled to know that God has prepared a place for us that is so much more exciting than we could ever imagine!
Praying that your adoption has come through and you've just been much too busy being Daddy & Hubby to blog.
Lord be with you...

Sherrie said...

Dear J.B.,
Every year about this time, I get a pop up reminder in my calendar to pray
for you, Kate and Aaron. I don't even recall which anniversary this is of
Grace's move to Heaven, I just remember how deeply your story and your
dedication to your little family touched my heart. I know many others from
Jim Houser's blog following SCC's & MBC's loss of Maria, felt your loss
very keenly as well. Your pain, and theirs was palpable. I pray that each
year your pain is a bit less and that each painful memory is replaced by a
sweet, happy, funny one.
I'm also praying that you and Kate have been able to add to your family,
which ever way God provided, since that was your desire.
I'm the one who's husband was injured in a plane crash 6 months after Maria
passed away. He is doing amazingly well... better than the prognosis of
those early days. He does still suffer from chronic pain, however, and we
pray that one day, the Lord chooses to deliver him from that. If not, we
still will be faithfully following Him, just as your family has.
Many blessings to you all...