Thursday, November 13, 2008

This morning's lesson

Kate had to go to school early this morning for a round of meetings, and I was left home to get Aaron completely prepared alone. This isn't a problem; usually. I can call the school and have an assistant teacher manage my classroom for a few minutes in my absence. Today, however, Aaron wouldn't get out of bed. I had to eventually throw the above bedsheet off of him, open the windows, and pick him up. What'd he do? He slouched down of course. Every aspect of the weekday morning schedule was difficult without his cooperation. He didn't want to brush his teeth. He didn't want to comb down his hair. He didn't want to get dressed or eat his breakfast. I know when there is something bothering him and when he's just being a stubborn boy. He was just being a stubborn boy this morning. Finally, after a few attempts, we were on the road to school. He kept grumbling the entire way there. As we were walking in, he kept running ahead of me. The lower, intermediate, and upper schools are connected, but it makes for a large building complex. I had to wait in the lower school until it was time to release him. Once that time came, he walked down the main hallway, leaving my "I love you" in the dust. I then had to take the hike over to the upper school, arriving at the end of my first class.

The entire walk, I was talking to myself. I kept asking, "God, what was Your plan this morning? What happened?"

I arrived home before Katie and Aaron this afternoon. Once they did come home, Aaron found me and said, "I'm sorry I didn't say I loved you this morning because I really do love you, dad. I just didn't want to go to school, but I had a good day, so thanks for making me go!" He smiled, and the entire morning was then erased from my memory.

I believe God gave me a morning like this morning to show me two things. One, my wife truly is a Saint (which I already knew that). Two, no matter how difficult it is sometimes, being a parent is such a blessing.


Ann said...

Amen, my friend. This week my husband and I have tagged teamed at staying home with sick kids: we have had ear infection, pink eye, and bronchitis within 8 days time between two boys, and no one has slept an entire night without interruption for medicine or comfort. We have had days of whining and fussing... But today my 9-year old said "Mom, can I have a hug? I'm not sick anymore!" and this huge wave of maternal gladness just rolled over me. Thank you God for parenthood!

Ann from Chicagoland

Dawn said...

What a precious story. We've all been there...thanks for the reminder to appreciate the uncomfortable moments, too!